Development News March 2020

Gajim development news

This is the third development news post this year, and it’s covering big changes. Starting with this month, the new connection code is available in Gajim’s master branch. It allows better connection handling in difficult network situations and significantly improves connection speed. Building on top of these changes, we’d like to introduce Gajim’s completely rewritten account creation wizard. This month also brings some fixes for voice/video calls, which are the first steps to make this feature available again in the future. [Read More]

Development News December 2019

Gajim development news

This is the third post of a news series about Gajim’s development. In these posts I (wurstsalat) will try to summarize a month of development around Gajim. Sometimes these posts will also cover python-nbxmpp and XMPP in general. December’s development brought improvements to HTTP file transfers, contact list tooltips, and more. Feel free to join to discuss with us. [Read More]

Development News November 2019

Gajim development news

This is the second post of a news series about Gajim’s development. In these posts I (wurstsalat) will try to summarize a month of development around Gajim. Sometimes these posts will also cover python-nbxmpp and XMPP in general. November’s development brought improvements to group chats, theming, drag and drop actions, OMEMO, and more. Feel free to join to discuss with us. [Read More]