Gajim 1.8.2

Gajim 1.8.2 has been released

Two months after the last release, Gajim 1.8.2 comes with better support for gateways, improved group chats, an easy way to change the font size, and many small fixes. Thank you for all your contributions!

What’s New

Gateways can (if offered by your server) bridge your XMPP chat to other chat networks. This could be WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS or others, depending on the gateway service. This release improves support for data forms (service configuration), brings better avatars for gateway contacts, and improves overall integration of gateways.

Many users asked about how to change Gajim’s font size. Up until now, you could change Gajim’s conversation font size only. But now you can change Gajim’s entire user interface font size by pressing Ctrl-+ (increase), Ctrl-- (decrease), and Ctrl-0 (reset), just like you can do in web browsers.

Gajim 1.8.2

Gajim 1.8.2

What else changed:

  • Switching chats is faster now
  • On Windows, Gajim supports more media types for previews
  • You can now see who is typing a message in group chats
  • Notifications for being mentioned in a group chat are working again
  • Many other bug fixes for group chats

Have a look at the changelog for a complete list.


As always, don’t hesitate to contact us at or open an issue on our Gitlab.